Friday, March 09, 2007


The summer after 11th my grade year (’91) was full of speaking events for MDA. Since having done my first speaking event with the MDA in 1989 I have done several up to now (91). Each time I would get more confident with what I was doing, and enjoyed it more and more. Being the center of attention for my disability was a good thing at that moment. There were a couple of events that I spoke at this summer that stand out for me.

The first event was something I spoke at for a couple of years. It was for Service Merchandise, and about a fundraiser they did every year called the Diamond Dig. The first time I spoke there it was with my mom. They asked us both to speak. My mom went first and started crying as she was telling of me being diagnosed and how hard it was for her to know that both parents have to be carriers of the gene in order to pass it on. So what did I do but cry as well. After two years of speaking to the employees they asked me to come back again. Only this time due to scheduling conflicts someone from MDA was not going to be able to represent. So they asked me if I could handle it alone. I got to know throughout the years some of the supervisors and was comfortable. So I got a VCR tape from MDA to show, and they also gave me percentages on where the money goes that is raised. After that, all I had to do was share about myself. I remember feeling so good, wanted, and needed. They asked me back so I guess it was all good!

The second event was one I started this summer (91). It was at the fire department's in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and for the fundraiser fill the boot. It was to motivate the firemen to raise money in their boots by standing on the street corners, and asking people for donations. I went to 33 fire stations in three days! I absolutely fell in love with these big hearted guys. They couldn't hardly keep down the flame that was coming out of me after seeing them! But I didn’t mind them trying though! I got to know these guys so well I was invited to dinner and lunch with them at their station. When I would come to talk to them they would make me cookies, and give me rides on fire truck. I still to this day volunteer in going to golf tournaments and fill the boot campaigns for the firemen whenever I get the chance.

I have met and done some of the most amazing things because of MDA! Thanks for taking the time to read, Miss S

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you really have done a lot and been very involved with MDA! I have never seen you speak at an event, but I am sure you were/are great. I always enjoyed doing things for MDA too. The firefighters are always fun and very sweet, so I can't blame you for liking that! LOL Keep up the good work on the blog. I am always looking forward to your next post. :-)
